A smilling women holding invisalign


Having a beautiful smile has a great impact on a person’s social life and confidence level. However, not everyone’s teeth come in perfectly straight, and that is why most adults choose to have braces at some point in their life. Whereas the outcome of having braces leaves a person feeling much better about their smile, most people, particularly adults do not enjoy the concept of having wires and metal brackets covering their teeth for a long period.

Invisalign is probably one of the greatest advancement in the field of dentistry, but like anything great, it has nuances which need to be well understood. If you have been researching about Invisalign on your own or even discussing it with your dentist, you likely have a lotof questions. Read on to learn more about Invisalign- from how long it takes to get the results you want, whether it is actually invisible and everything else you could ever need to know.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a technique used by dentists to straighten teeth that unlike traditional braces, has made its name in the industry for being invisible. However, it is an aesthetic and functional alternative that uses incremental clear aligners to realign and straighten teeth. In most cases, it is an aesthetic improvement over traditional braces.

At Springvale Dental Clinic, we offer Invisalign treatment that will be sure to straighten your teeth and brighten your smile within a short period.

How Does Invisalign Work?

- The first step to getting Invisalign is looking for an Invisalign dentist. This is after you’ve checked with your orthodontist and confirmed that you are a qualified candidate. Not every patient can get Invisalign since some serious malocclusions require conventional braces to correct the misalignment.

Invisalign accessories

- Also, if you have any other oral issues, they will first need to be addressed. If your teeth need any dental fillings or you have teeth cavities, you will have to deal with those before getting Invisalign. This ensures that the treatment goes on well without encountering other dental issues.

- Once your mouth is finally ready for the treatment, our dentist at Springvale Dental Clinic will examine your teeth. He/she will use digital imaging to create a virtual image of your crooked teeth since your Invisalign trays will be custom made for you. Also, you will get a preview of your finaloutcome so that you can have a clear picture of what to expect after the treatment.

- After you receive your custom made Invisalign trays, you will be required to wear them for at least 20-22 hours a day. You will have to replace them after every two weeks to get the next set so the teeth alignment can continue.

Invisible braces

What is it like having Invisalign?

After receiving your Invisalign, you may find it quite difficult getting used to the aligners at first. Also, speaking with a lisp is a common issue during your first days. However, after having an initial adjustment period, you will get used to them. Most patients are startled to find out that they will need togo for regular follow-up visits and appointments to have their teeth filed so as to create extra space for them to move into the right position. During the visits you may also get attachments which are directly attached to any teeth that may require extra help shifting and they are quite common in Invisalign treatment. These attachments are almost invisible under your aligners, and they help to create extra pressure on certain areas.

Benefits of Invisalign

Choosing Invisalign is mostly a lifestyle choice because of the benefits of hygiene and aesthetics.

- Invisalign is Custom made for you

Every Invisalign is different since each one is custom-made to fit your crooked teeth as they are now and shape them according to your needs. Your orthodontist will use the modelling techniques and 3D technology tocustomise for you the Invisalign mouthpiece.

- Invisalign is almost Invisible

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign depends on a clear plastic mouthpiece which slowly moves the teeth around without being so noticeable as metal brackets and wires. However, it is not completely invisible. It is just much harder to notice than the alternative.

- Invisalign is Removable

Metal braces are fixed; they cannot be removed until the teeth become straight. On the other hand, Invisalign is removable. Therefore, you can comfortably eat anything whenever you want to. You will not have to restrict yourself with food that might get stuck in your braces since with Invisalign; you can remove them during meal time and place it back after brushing your teeth.

- Invisalign is much better than Braces

Most people often complain about the pain caused by metal braces, the unsightly addition it makes to their smile and the permanence of having them on. Contrarily, Invisalign does not require regular tightening, uses no wires or metal brackets, and is almost unnoticeable. Invisalign in better than braces in every single way that matters.

- Invisalign is Less Painful

Invisalign causes less pain because its system is more efficient and effective than metal braces; it exerts less pressure on the teeth. Usually, there can be some minor pain involved, but nothing like the braces.

- Invisalign Requires Less Dental Visits

Traditional braces require you to visit the dentist every month to examine your teeth’s progress and to tighten the braces. Conversely, with Invisalign, you will only get a complete set of trays which you’ll use for the entire treatment period.

Bottom Line

You do not have to feel shy and ashamed whenever you want to smile. Your crooked teeth still have hope. If you are looking for a way to correct your misaligned or crooked teeth without any hassles or barriers of metal braces, Invisalign is the best solution in many cases. After the treatment, you will surely become happier and more confident. Ask yourself if you would like to see yourself smile brighter, boost your confidence level without the need for wires and metal brackets. If you wish to change your smile, feel free to contact our dentists at Springvale Dental Clinic today.

* Terms and Conditions apply.

QR code

What could your smile look like with straighter teeth?

Scan the QR code to see what Invisalign treatment could do for you.

  1. Open the camera app.

  2. Position the phone over the QR code so that it appears over the viewfinder.

  3. Tap to launch website QR code when a notification bar pops up on your screen.*

*For some Android phones: If no notification bar pops up on your screen, you will need to install a QR code reader app.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Invisalign?

It’s a technique used by dentists to straighten teeth using incremental clear aligners. Invisalign depends on a clear (invisible) plastic mouthpiece that slowly aligns teeth without exerting too much pressure.

How does Invisalign work?

For Invisalign to work, any oral issues need to be addressed first. Your dentist will perform some malocclusions to identify issues such as teeth cavities and whether you require dental fillings. Then, a digital image of your crooked teeth is required so that Invisalign trays can be customized for you. You will need to wear them for at least 20 hours a day. They will have to be replaced every two weeks to further the alignment.

How much does Invisalign cost in Australia?

Invisalign in Australia will cost between $4000 and $7000. The total cost will vary depending on the results needed.

How to clean Invisalign?

You need a small soft-bristled brush to clean your aligners. You can use clear liquid soap to remove any food particles that have accumulated and rinse thoroughly.

Is Invisalign better than braces?

While braces leave a person feeling much better about their smile, most adults do not enjoy the concept of having wires and metal brackets covering the teeth all the time. Invisalign is removable, unlike braces that are fixed. Besides, these attachments are almost invisible and help apply the pressure in the right areas.
