dental emergency

Dental Emergency

What do you do when you encounter a dental emergency? What constitutes a dental emergency? Springvale dental clinic recognizes that some dental cases require immediate attention in order to save a tooth or to prevent further damage to oral health. Since dental emergencies are unprecedented occurrences, you may not have an idea of what to do or which instances will warrant an emergency visit to the dentist.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a dental problem that requires the immediate attention of a dentist in order to relieve pain, stop an infection, or save a tooth that is at risk of falling out. Often times, dental emergencies occur due to a number of reasons. So, which situations are considered dental emergencies? You may need emergency dental attention if:

You have cracked or broken tooth/teeth

A tooth can be cracked or broken by a hard impact or trauma on a tooth. Most dental injuries of this kind are caused by vigorous activity such as sports. Accidents may also result in cracked or broken teeth. If you find yourself or your loved one with a cracked or broken tooth, you may want to take some immediate safety measures before visiting the dentist. If the crack is minor and there is minimal pain, you may wait for the normal business hours to visit your dentist. However, if the crack is extensive or a big chunk of the tooth is broken, call a dentist immediately. A cold compress is always a good pain reliever as you await your dental appointment. Springvale dental clinic offers dental emergency services even outside of normal working hours to make sure your dental needs are met.

You have a knocked-out tooth

A tooth can be partially or completely knocked out from its socket through an impact or trauma. If you encounter a knocked-out tooth, immediate professional dental attention can help save the tooth. In the event of a knocked-out adult tooth, try putting the tooth back into its socket while you wait to see the dentist. However, for a knocked-out milk tooth, do not attempt to put the tooth back into the socket as this may cause other dental problems.

Your wisdom teeth are impacted

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. See a dentist immediately if you are experiencing pain from your wisdom teeth.

You have pain in the jaw, gum, or teeth

Any sort of pain in the oral cavity is a dental emergency because it can be an underlying problem or, worse, an infection. Seek immediate dental attention in the event of tooth pain, gum pain, or jaw pain.

Dental emergency

You lose a crown, filling, or bridge

If your filling, crown, or dental bridge falls out, your tooth remains exposed, and an infection can occur. See a dentist immediately if you experience any of the above situations.

You have swelling in the gums or jaw

Swelling in the gum or jaw can also be a sign of an infection or other underlying dental problems and may warrant an emergency dental visit to rule out any risks.

Dental emergency at Springvale Dental Clinic

Failure to attend a dental emergency can lead to tooth/teeth loss. In cases of injuries resulting in cracked or broken teeth, our dentist can help alleviate the pain and perform tooth restoration to help save the tooth/teeth. Similarly, knocked out adult teeth can be embedded back into the socket so you can have your teeth functioning as normal after the treatment is complete. In the case of pain in the gums or teeth, there is the risk of a tooth abscess, which can be a life-threatening condition if not attended to in time. It is quite important to notify your dentist as soon as you encounter any of the above situations so you do not run the risk of losing your tooth or causing irreparable damage to your teeth.

What to expect at Springvale dental clinic

  • Affordable consultation and treatment costs
  • No hidden costs
  • Friendly professional team
  • Expert treatment options
  • Flexible appointments

Call us today at Springvale dental clinic for your dental emergencies. Our team of seasoned professional dentists will take care of your dental emergencies at an affordable rate so you can smile again.

* Terms and Conditions apply.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When is it a dental emergency?

Dental emergencies occur due to several reasons, such as a cracked or broken tooth/teeth, an impact that knocks out teeth, when wisdom teeth are impacted or if you have pain in the jaw, gum, or teeth.

Where can I get emergency dental care?

You can call us at Springvale Dental Clinic for any dental emergency care at affordable rates. We will ease the pain and help you smile again.

Can you go to ER for a dental emergency?

ER doctors are rarely capable of handling many dental problems. However, they can help people with dental emergencies to relieve their pain until you see a dentist.

What helps unbearable tooth pain?

If you can’t see a dentist immediately, take over-the-counter medication and rinse the tooth with salty water.

How can I numb my tooth pain?

A cold compress can act as a good pain reliever before you can access dental clinic services. Rub the ice on the space for a few minutes to make the area numb.
