Why Dental Implants are Worth The Cost?

During the old days, people who lost their teeth due to tooth decay, old age, physical injury or any other reason had no option but to live without their teeth or wear dentures that then became loose over time and always seemed to fall out during the most inopportune moments. Additionally, dentures gave people a very hard time as far as speaking and eating were concerned. However, these days’ things have become a lot easier with dental implants. They have given a lot of people a whole new hope as well as a whole new look.
A dental implant is an artificial tooth that helps in replacing a tooth that is lost or taken out. They provide the user with a more natural looking smile, support bridges, and crowns and also do not affect the surrounding teeth. Dental implants are strong just like natural teeth, mainly because they fuse with the jawbone and protects you from the bone loss which occurs when you lose your teeth. If you are considering to have dental implant installation, you might be wondering if they will be durable and if they are worth the cost. In this post, we will go over these issues so that you can make an informed decision about your dental restorations and oral care.
What is a Dental Implant?
A dental implant is a titanium post that looks like a tooth root positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line using surgical methods that allow the dentist to mount a bridge or replacement teeth into the area. The process of having a dental implant can be painful and sometimes expensive, but nevertheless, it is worth the cost especially when the final results are revealed. Once your dentist has attached your dental implant, he will attach a post for a period of around 3 to 6 months for the jawbone to grow around the anchor and provide firm support that will hold the implant in place. In some cases, the patient is required to undergo two surgical processes to achieve this. Once the anchor is fused, the dentist will finally cement the artificial tooth in place.
However, with the advancement of new technology, there is a new kind of dental implants known as the guided zygomatic implant. With this kind of implants, you will not be required to wait for months for you to achieve your new smile, you can actually have one before lunch hour is over. These new implants are screwed into the cheek bone rather than the jawbone. The dentist uses the 3D technology so that they can fix the implant in the right place without using any surgical process. They strongly anchor to the bulk of the bone that comprises the cheekbones or zygomatic arch, and that’s where they got their name zygotic implants. They can be implanted with just a single visit to the dentist which is why they are slowly but surely gaining popularity all over the globe.
Why are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?
When it comes to your well-being and health, there is no way you can keep a price tag on it. A majority of people ask themselves this common question, are dental implants worth the cost? The simple answer to this is yes; dental implants are well worth the cost. When you take into consideration everything that they have to offer, it becomes quite clear that they are better compared to many other cosmetic dentistry procedures. Some of the reasons why dental implants are worth the cost include.
1. They Help to Preserve the Remaining Teeth Healthy
The most common option for replacing missing teeth while some healthy teeth are remaining has long remained to be a fixed bridge. However, this teeth replacement option requires the dentist to alter the healthy remaining teeth by filing them so that they can achieve proper size for crowns to fit. Interfering with the remaining teeth can make them weaker and vulnerable to tooth decay. Choosing dental implant as your tooth replacement option allows you not to tamper with your remaining healthy teeth thus giving you a fully functional and longer lasting replacement for your functional teeth.
2. Implants have a High Success Rate
Among all tooth replacement options, dental implants procedure have the highest success rate. Their success rate ranges from 95 to 98 percent. Some of the factors that determine dental implants success include the patients’ health and the experience and skills of the oral surgeon performing the procedure. Dental implants have been around for about 30 years, and they have proven to be successful.
3. They Make Eating Easier
When implants are placed, a majority of patients will not be able to differentiate between them and the natural teeth. Chewing food with implants is the same as chewing with natural teeth. For people who undergo great hustles while chewing with dentures or other replacement options, dental implants are a great alternative. With dental implants, you can eat all your favourite food. They provide all the chewing power you require while chewing your food. You can also be able to perform various functions such as cleaning them as well as flossing just like you would do with your natural teeth.
4. Replaces Missing Teeth
Teeth will always tend to fall out as we age due to the low amount of calcium. This is very common among a majority of people. The negative side of it is that it will compromise with the youthful appearance. It also will make it very difficult for them to chew and swallow food. The only solution remains to replace the teeth with an option that will work just as natural teeth do. The best alternative that will feel just like natural teeth is dental implants.
5. Dental Implants Preserves Bone Loss
Once you lose your tooth, the bone that is in that area starts to deteriorate because it fails to receive any stimulation over a certain period of time. As the implants provide the chewing power with the help of bridges and dentures that the implants support, the health of the jaw bone is generally enhanced. The risks and problems that are associated with bone loss are also regained so that they can become normal. This provides strong gums, good feeling in the mouth and good oral health.
6. Less Costly in The Long Run
Dental implants tend to be quite an expensive procedure up front, requiring a substantial investment during its installation. The best thing about implants is that this is a one-time investment. Proper care for implants doesn’t need any expensive upkeep. However, when you take into consideration other replacement methods like bridges and dentures, they need more attention and replacements throughout a lifetime. This means that most people who choose implants end up saving a lot in the long run.
7. Gives You a Brighter Smile
It’s widely known that a brighter smile is among the first thing people notice when you meet a person for the first time. It creates the first time impression. A research study indicated that men easily notice women who are not wearing any makeup but were smiling. People are always embarrassed to open their mouths to smile in public when they have a missing tooth. But with dental implants, one can confidently smile in public as it improves aesthetic appeal.
8. No Cavities Can Occur to Your Dental Implants
Cavities cannot occur to a crown or replacement tooth supported by an implant. However, you will need to schedule regular visits to the dentist and practice good dental hygiene care just as you would do with your natural teeth. Make sure that you find a friendly dentist near you to guide you on how to take care of your implants.
9. Implants Corrects Our Facial Structure
Your lips, cheeks and the skin on your face is more taut and firmer when there are teeth to be covered. As people age and lose teeth, they also lose bone structure. This is what causes the skin that is around the cheeks, mouth, and eyes to appear more wrinkled and looser. People who have used dental implants to replace their teeth are happy on how much younger they feel and look.
10. Dental Implants are Built to Last
The fact that dental implants are built to last that makes them the best long-term cost effective tooth replacement solution. Traditional tooth supported bridges are built to only last for a period of seven years though it can last up to 10 years with proper maintenance. However, you will have to replace them at some point. The replacement cost will add up over time and will eventually be expensive. Dental implants can last for a life time when a skilled dental surgeon properly places them and properly taken care of.
The durability of dental implants is affected by various factors that include:
– Suitability of the patient for the Procedure
Support is essential for the dental implants to last. Therefore adequate jaw bone is required to support the implant. This comes as a result of Osseo integration. Patients suffering from bone loss and teeth loss must undergo evaluation by the dentists to determine whether they are suitable for the implants. In most of these cases, the patient undergoes bone regeneration.
– Lifestyle
Several lifestyle factors such as having uncontrolled diabetes, taking selective serotonin and smoking affect the longevity of implants. When adequately taken care of, dental implants can last a lifetime. Once installed, your dentist will offer some advice on how to take care of your implants. Research that was done in the 1990’s show that over 95% of patients with single dental implants lasted for at least ten years. Therefore, with proper care and some minor lifestyle changes, your implants can serve you for a lifetime.
– Gum Diseases and Conditions
For the implants to be successful, patients should practice proper oral hygiene since conditions such as advanced gum disease or tooth decay may lead to failure of the implants. Grinding or clenching of the teeth placing undue pressure on the implants can result in implant failure. The pressure causes the plastic teeth to chip, pop off with acrylic on titanium full arch treatments. Unfortunately, these are the most used materials by the dentists. Luckily, there are some time-tested materials such as porcelain on noble metal and prosthetic materials that are more durable. Therefore, it is important for the restorative dentists to assess the patient’s dental history in order to determine if there are any conditions that need to be treated before inserting the implants.
– Poor Placement
It recommended that you seek help from someone that has placed hundreds or if possible thousands of implants. Experience and training of the practitioner really matter in this field since poorly placed implants can lead to implant failure.
Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Implants?
Dental implant treatment is a combination of different dental procedures that include diagnostic, surgical and restorative and different dental professionals sometimes perform it. This is one of the reasons that explains why there are significant variations between dentist to the dentist or from patient to patient. Other factors that do affect the cost of dental implants include:
1. Number of Implants Required
The number of implants required significantly affects the cost of the procedure. While a single tooth only requires one implant, there are some instances when several of them may be required in order to restore a smile. Conversely, when you increase the number of implants required, you will be required to pay more.
2. Other Procedures That May be required
Another factor to consider is that a patient may require additional procedures like bone grafting if the jaw has shrunk as a result of missing tooth. This is especially if the patient has taken a while to undertake replacement procedure since losing the tooth. The dentist requires to perform bone grafting procedure so that he can give the implant an adequate foundation. Other factors that relate to the procedure that the dental surgeon takes into consideration are where the sinuses and nerves are located in relation to that particular surgery. Additionally, the dental surgeon may need to extract the dead or infected tooth prior to the dental implant.
3. Quality and Type of the Restoration
The dentist selects the type of crown or artificial tooth depending on the quality of teeth that are supposed to be replaced. Also, the quality of dental material to be used has a great impact on the cost. There are quite a number of materials the patient can choose from ranging from porcelain to acrylic all of which attract a different cost.
4. Location
Your place of residence might have never sounded like a factor that can affect the cost of your medical procedure. However, it most surely does. In fact, the cost of almost everything is affected by the place where you reside. Dental implant cost varies significantly depending on town to town or country to country. Dentists that are located in areas that have a lower cost of living may attract a lower cost than those who live in areas with a higher cost of living. In recent years, a majority of patients have opted to travel abroad to receive their dental implants. However, that has never been a great idea.
5. Location of the Implant
Some areas in the mouth are more challenging to access compared to others. The cost of dental implant procedure on a molar tooth is different from the cost of working on a canine tooth, and it is also different from that of an incisor. The procedure will take more labour and time on hard to reach areas of the mouth hence increasing the price of the procedure.
6. The Implant Dentist
The success of a dental implant largely depends on the dentist in who plans and executes the procedure. Dentists who possess great skills and experience have lower chances of failure. As it is expected, dentists who perform dental implants procedures mainly specializes on the field and thus attracts a higher fee. However, it is worth to pay a higher fee and receive quality services that have lower chances of failure instead of paying less but then receive lower quality services.
Things You Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants
Due to their many benefits, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) says more than 5.5 million dental implants are fulfilled yearly by dentists in Australia. Getting your dental implants nowadays is a straightforward procedure, but there are some things you need to know before getting your implants placed.
– Dental Implants Can Improve Your Health
Implants are not only for replacing lost teeth but also do a great job at restoring your oral health by placing all your teeth in place. Once a gap is formed after losing your teeth, the other teeth start to shift to fill that gap. Resulting to overcrowding, crooked teeth may also lead to gum disease and loss of the jawbone. Since the implant is bounded to the jawbone, it stimulates healthy bone growth and preserves the integrity of your mouth.
– Getting a Tooth Pulled Out is Harder Than Getting a Dental Implant Placed
After getting to know the procedure, some patients may think that dental implants are painful and have a long recovery time. Conversely, getting a tooth extracted is harder than getting the implant placed. During a tooth extraction, the dentist moves your tooth side to side expanding your jaw bone. Whereas, during a dental implant procedure some dental instruments are used to create a specific area for the implant in your jaw. So, there is less pressure, force, and trauma to the patient during the procedure. This results in less pain and a short recovery time after the placement.
– General Dentists Can Place Dental Implants
In the contemporary dentistry, general dentists have learnt the techniques and principles to place implants. This was not the case when dental implants were introduced. They required invasive surgery and were difficult to place. With the high success rate today general dentists can treat and place implants successfully.
– Dental Implants Serve as a Replacement Tooth Root
Once the root of the tooth is lost, the jaw bone gradually starts to lose its density and mass. This happens with dentures and bridges. However, with the implants, the titanium rod acts as a faux tooth root. This stimulates the jawbone to grow some new tissues around it, therefore, preventing it from deteriorating.
– Implants are Stand Alone
Dental implants do not rely on nearby teeth for support. Therefore, there is no tooth structure lost as it is when fabricating a bridge.
Dental Implants Maintenance
Dental implant maintenance is extremely vital especially when you have new dental implants. Maintaining your dental implants is important to a good oral hygiene routine. Cleaning implants replacement is just as vital as cleaning natural teeth. To properly maintain your dental implants, it is important that you brush them at least two or three times a day. You must be committed not only to proper dental care at home but also to regular visits to your dentist. You should visit a dentist for professional cleaning and exam.
Implants can develop some serious problems without consistent daily care. The early signs of poor maintenance include the observation of bleeding. This is a situation known as mucositis. If you notice this, visit your dentist as soon as possible, the condition can be treated if caught early.
Bottom Line
It is vital that you get an oral check-up by the dentist before you can undergo through dental implant procedure. It is also paramount that you understand all the aspects included in the procedure and every aspect the dentist included in the price he has quoted. Have your dentist explain to you if other additional costs have not been featured on the quotation. A majority of people fail to realize additional hidden cost that may pile up through the process. It is also paramount that you receive the quotation in writing.
Taking into consideration the many benefits and the long term advantages that dental implants offer to patients, they are well worth the cost. In fact, the initial cost you pay up front will eventually pay itself in the long run. In some situations, dental implants end up even being more cost effective than any other tooth replacement process.
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