Which is better option Deep Dental Cleaning or Regular Cleaning

Have you had a dental cleaning this year? Professional dental cleanings are not just meant to keep your smile bright; they also have a significant impact on your health in general. Poor oral hygiene has been linked to countless health problems. Some of these health complications include cardiovascular disease, bone loss, cancers, and stroke. Apart from regular brushing and flossing at home, you should also schedule regular dental check-up appointments with your dentist.
A majority of patients always ask themselves why they are having deep cleaning when all they wanted was a regular dental cleaning. There is a significant difference between the two. Your dentist or hygienist may recommend either of them depending on the condition of your mouth. Regular cleaning is recommended for patients who have no bone loss, infections around the teeth, or gum disease. In simple terms, the mouth should be healthy with no underlying gum or bone problems. The main purpose of regular dental cleaning is to remove tartar, plaque and stains. It is recommended that you undertake this procedure twice or thrice a year depending on how fast tartar, plaque or stains accumulate.
On the other hand, your dentist may recommend that you undertake a deep cleaning if you have bone or gum problems. If you have gum disease that has resulted in deeper pockets above 4 mm, bone loss or exposed root surface, a regular dental cleaning may not be the best option for you. A deep dental cleaning will be required to maintain bone and gum health. The procedure involves removing plaque and tartar all the way to the root of the tooth where the gum and the bone meet. This article is going to discuss more aboutdeep cleaning and regular cleaning and which one is better.
- What is Deep Cleaning?
- Who Needs Deep Cleaning?
- Deep Dental Cleaning Methods
- Deep Dental Cleaning Procedure
- Here is a step-by-step procedure for deep dental cleaning.
- Other potential deep dental cleaning step
- Benefits of Deep Dental Cleaning
- What is Regular Dental Cleaning?
- Why Your Dentist May Choose Regular Cleaning?
- Is Regular Dental Cleaning Painful?
- Benefits of Having Regular Dental Cleaning
- Bottom Line
Deep dental cleaning is a dental procedure required to remove tartar, bacteria, and food debris that has collected under the gum line over time. The presence of tartar under the gum line provides a conducive environment for bacteria to collect. The bacteria irritate the gums and may cause them to bleed more easily. You may notice some blood while you are brushing your teeth or even when you are eating. If you notice such symptoms, the chances are high that you’ve developed gum disease. This condition cannot be cleaned by brushing, flossing, or regular dental cleaning. The presence of these bacteria results in an immune response from the body. This immune response causes gum inflammation to fight bacterial infection. If the infection is left untreated, the inflammation will progress further under the gum line resulting in teeth and bone loss.
During a standard dental cleaning, the dentists will use a special instrument to measure the distance between a tooth and the surrounding gum tissues. This process is done to identify a condition known as pocketing. A healthy pocket (space between a tooth and the gums) is roughly 3 mm or less. If a pocket is 5 mm or more, your dentist will most likely recommend deep cleaning.
The dentist may recommend a deep dental cleaning in two instances. The first one is when a patient has not received a standard dental cleaning for some time or has a significant amount of built-up plaque that needs a more thorough cleaning. The second instance is when a patient is suffering from moderate gum disease. If your dentist suggests a deep dental cleaning, it is very essential that you follow through to prevent further decay of the tooth or worsening of the periodontal disease.
According to the Australian Dental Association, every adult above 30 must have a periodontal assessment at least once a year. The dentist might recommend a deep cleaning if the dental pockets are more than 5 mm as mentioned above. Dental pockets that are about 5 mm and associated with dental bleeding might signify an early form of gum disease known as gingivitis. If the condition is not treated, it might result in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gum disease. Periodontal disease will break down the bone structure thus making the teeth to become loose. The problem with this disease is that you may fail to notice any symptoms until it becomes severe. If caught on time, deep cleaning will help reverse the condition.
Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease
There is no pain associated with gum disease. However, it is important that you seek treatment from your dentist after experiencing the following symptoms:
- Swollen or puffy gums
- Gums that bleed easily
- Bad breath
- New spaces developing between the teeth
- Bright red, dusky red, or purplish gums
- Painful chewing
- A change in the way your teeth fit when you bite
- Pus between your gums and teeth
Dental Scaling
The scaling method is a significant stage of periodontal treatment that involves the removal of calculus, microbial flora, plaque, and blemishes from teeth surfaces. Scaling is done either by a chemical cleaning or mechanical cleaning method. Mechanical scaling is carried out using ultrasonic appliances or hands. The chemical cleaning method is carried out using chemical fluids such as anti-tartar solutions that work by attracting tartar accretions away from a tooth surface.
Root Planning
Root planing is a deep cleaning method that serves to remove cementum and surface dentine that is surroundedwith unwanted toxins, tartar and microorganisms. During the process, the dentist smoothens the root of the tooth so as to promote good healing. Root planning method makes the roots of the teeth surface soft in orderto put off the formation of calculus on it. This type of deep teeth cleaning requires specialised tools such as curettes and root scalers.
Deep cleaning is done with a combination of hand instruments and ultrasonic instruments. Ultrasonic instruments are those instruments that are powered by air or electricity. These instruments have a high-frequency vibrating motion that effectively removes the plaque off. They also release some water that helps to clean out food debris around the teeth and pockets. Hand instruments are used to remove any remaining food deposits on the tooth.
Deep cleaning is done in quadrants depending on theseverity of your condition. If you have a mild case of gum disease or gingivitis, the procedure can be done in a single appointment. Meanwhile, if one quadrant has severe plaque build-up than other quadrants, the procedure may be scheduled on two or more appointments.
Removal of plaque and tartar
Before an actual dental cleaning process, your dentist will examine your entire mouth. He will use a tiny mirror to check your teeth and gums for any signs of gum inflammation. After analysing all the dental problems that need to be treated, the dentist will then proceed to teeth cleaning process
Using a small mirror as guidance, the dentist will use a scaler to remove the plaque and tartar on your gum line as well as between your teeth. This will make a scraping sound, which is normal. The more tartar there is on your teeth and gums, the more time it will take to scrape a spot. Regular brushing and flossing prevent plaque from building up and hardening forming tartar. Once tartar is formed, you can only have it removed by your dentist. Therefore, if this is one of your least favourite part of thedental cleaning process, the lesson is to floss and brush regularly.
Toothpaste cleaning
After all the plaque and tartar have been removed, your dentist will brush your teeth with a high- powered electric brush that makes a grinding noise. While this may sound scary, it is a great way to get a deep clean and remove any tartar that was left behind. Dentists use toothpaste that tastes and smells like regular toothpaste, though you can choose between flavours if you wish. However, this toothpaste has agritty consistency that gently scrubs your teeth.
Expert flossing
Whether you regularly floss at home or not, nothing beats a professional flossing session. Your dentist will get deep between your teeth and find any trouble spots where your gums might be bleeding. The dentist also flosses your teeth to get rid of any plaque that was left over earlier in the cleaning process.
Your dentist will give you a rinse that contains liquid fluoride to rinse out any food debris.
Applying fluoride treatment
This is the final step of the deep cleaning procedure. This treatment serves as a protectant to help your teeth fight against cavities. Your dentist will then place a foamy or sticky gel into a mouthpiece which fits over your teeth. This gel is left on your teeth for a minute or two. Besides this foamy or sticky gel, your dentist will also paint a fluoride varnish onto your teeth using a small brush. This fluoride varnish hardens when it gets in contact with saliva; this means that you can eat or drink anything immediately after.
When your pockets are not too deep, it is likely for you to experience little or no discomfort during the cleaning process. This can also be done without any numbing. The only feeling you may experience is scraping along the teeth as the area gets smoothened. A planed root surface that has no tartar has a greater chance of healing better. Normally, after getting a deep dental cleaning, deep gum pockets reduce greatly.
The condition of a root surface and depth of the pocket helps to decide whether the affected area should be numbed or not. In case you experience any discomfort or pain, do not hesitate to inform your dentist. Your dentist may use oraqix to clean deeper pockets which is a substitute for injectable anesthetics. Oraqix is an exclusive non-injection device used for delivering topical anesthetic gel into the deep pockets to avoid numbing the lips and tongue.
How long does deep dental cleaning take
Typically, with deeper pockets and extensive coarse root surfaces, deep dental cleaning procedure may be broken down into quadrants of work for every appointment. For instance, your upper right side may be worked on one day while the other three parts are worked on at distinct appointments. This allows for only a part of your mouth to be frozen at a time, which makes it more manageable.
Post Procedure
Recovering from a deep dental cleaning is quite simple. Your dentist will prescribe for you some antibiotic treatment that you will have follow. If you are experiencing any kind of discomfort or tenderness in the treated area, your dentist may suggest an over-the-counter painkiller. He or she will also offer you some after-care instructions and inform you when you will be ready to resume to your regular dental hygiene. He/she will also recommend when you should return for check-up appointment to ensure the healing process is going on properly.
Gum disease is usually treated and cured, but it may need regular check-up visits every three months in the beginning. This enables your dentist to monitor the status of your gums, bone and teeth to ensure that the gums have healed and bacteria has not returned.
Stops deterioration of teeth
Once all the bacteria are cleaned out, the risk of losing your teeth and teeth deterioration is minimised.
Prevention of Disease
Deep cleaning plays an integral role when it comes to discouraging disease brought about by plaque. Removing all calculus, plaque and tartar mean that infections can no longer form.
Brighten your smile
Having a sparkling white smile is all we desire. We are all aware of how essential a bright smile is for our self-confidence. But, it is not always easy to maintain our white teeth because of our daily habits such as smoking and taking coffee. This is why you should consider deep teeth cleaning.
Regular dental cleaning is basically designed for maintaining healthy gums. Healthy gums have a small and shallow space between the gums and the teeth. Regular cleaning procedure involves thoroughly cleaning the space between the teeth while removing tartar and bacteria. When an individual follows proper oral hygiene measures that involves regular brushing and flossing, tartar and bacteria build-up becomes minimal. A person with healthy gums experiences little to no bleeding during cleaning.
During your regular dental check-ups, your dentist will determine the best type of cleaning for you. He will assess your dental condition by measuring the depth of the space between your teeth and gum (also known as pockets). If your dental pockets are below 4 mm, it means that you will have adental cleaning.
What to Expect in a Regular Dental Cleaning
After visiting the dental clinic, your dentist will first begin by examining your dental condition. He will assess your teeth and gums and determine where the plaque has built-up more. The dentist will use a variety of tools to get rid of plaque and clean your teeth. Some of the tools he or she might use include a scaler (an instrument that looks like a hook with a pointed tip), a small water hose, a tooth polisher and suction hose. The scaler is used to remove the hard to remove tartar especially in the areas of the mouth that are hard to reach. All the instruments used by the dentist are put through disinfecting, sterilising and stringent cleaning procedure. This is to ensure quality control and safety. The dentist will also use a dental mirror to see some of the hard to see thearea. A dental mirror features an elongated handle attached to the mirror.
Some of the hard to remove areas include between the teeth, on some nooks on crowns and just below the gum line. You might experience some temporary sensitivity and discomfort during the procedure. The dentist will use polishers with flavoured polish, which tastes sweet but feels like gummy sand. He will then apply the polish on the polisher and rub the enamel gently to remove any tartar and bacteria that was left over. After the whole process, you will now rinse your teeth.
The next step will be professional flossing. The dentist or dental hygienist will floss your teeth to make sure that there is no plaque left behind in between the teeth or below the gum line. You might experience some minor bleeding if you have sensitive gums. Throughout the cleaning process, the dentist will keep asking you to rinse away the debris and the remaining grains of the tooth polish. In some instances, the dentist may apply fluoride during the final step. Fluoride is available in a range of flavours that include strawberry, mint, chocolate, and cherry. Fluoride is appliedto the teeth,and the patient is asked to spit it after 30 seconds. The main purpose of fluoride is to strengthen the teeth and prevent plaque and tartar from forming.
A majority of people who undergo dental cleaning find it to be painless. The mild vibration, mist of water and the pressure the dentist apply during scrapping causes little to no discomfort. However, let your dentist know just in case you experience some pain during the process. This will allow him to recommend an alternative option for you in order to make the process more enjoyable. In most cases, dental cleanings will only last for an average of between thirty minutes to one hour. You will notice that your teeth feel fresher and brighter after the whole process. Regular dental cleaning is not only designed for appearance. It goes an extra mile in preventing any associated dental diseases.
Lead a Healthy Life
Studies have established a strong link between oral health and general health. So, getting your teeth cleaned regularly reduces your chances of suffering from some health complications such as heart disease and stroke. You can also avoid oral cancer late diagnosis of since the dentist will be able to detect early signs. When the disease is detected early through regular cleanings, the chances of curing it are high. Moreover, your gums are a perfect sign of your general health. Through regular cleanings, your dentist will be able to detect diseases such as leukemia, diabetes and anemia.
Keep a Brighter Smile
Regular dental cleanings have a great impact on your oral health. Your dentist can detect some oral health issues such as gum disease and prevent adverse effects such as tooth loss. Gum disease is treatable if only caught during its initial stages and can be reversed before causing any serious damages. The dentist can also detect issues such as broken or fractured tooth before they can form cavities. Additionally, regular dental cleaning has cosmetic value. The dentist or dental hygienist can remove any stains caused by red wine, coffee, tea or tobacco. If you maintain regular cleaning, the chances of maintaining a brighter smile throughout your life are high.
Financial Considerations
Your dentist will be able to catch any oral health problems during regular cleaning. He or she can then devise a treatment plan that will suit your financial situation. Furthermore, most dental issues that are caught early don’t require much regarding finances on their treatment. However, if these issues are diagnosed late, they can lead to complicated and costly procedures.
Prevent Bad Breath
Poor oral hygiene is one of the top causes of bad breath also known as halitosis. Food stuck between the teeth, periodontal disease, thecoating on the surface of the tongue, throat infections and uncleaned dentures are some of thepoor oral hygiene factors that contribute to bad breath. Regular dental cleaning preventing many of these conditions can also prevent bad breath.
Getting your teeth cleaned is a simple, painless and relatively affordable way to remain in good health. As discussed in the article, both regular and deep cleaning isbetter option. It all depends on the condition of your teeth and gums. During your regular dental check-ups, your dentist will advise you accordingly on which method is best for you. While some people who are undertaking regular cleaning only requires visiting the dentist twice or thrice a year, those undertaking deep cleaning may be required to do it severally during the year. Schedule your next professional dental cleaning today, and keep that smile beautiful and clean.