What is tartar? Tips to Control Tartar Buildup

No matter how well you take care of your dental hygiene, the chances are that tartar will still be formed. This is because of the presence of bacteria in your mouth. Plaque and tartar can be very dangerous to your oral health. They can cause damage to your teeth, gums and even jaws and can result in other serious complications in severe cases. So, what’s tartar? How does it build up? And how can you control it? Well, if you want to know the answer to these questions, read on.
What is Tartar?
Tartar is a brown or yellow coloured deposit found on the surface of your teeth. The bacteria present in your mouth mixes food debris and eventually lead to the formation of a substance known as plaque. The bacteria in plaque produce and an acid that attacks the teeth enamel and can easily damage your gums. Plaque can be quite difficult to remove through normal or brushing and thus you need to visit your dentist for a dental cleaning. If not treated, plaque can cause permanent damage.
If you fail to visit your dentist for plaque removal, it will progress to tartar which is harder than a plaque. Once tartar forms, it becomes more challenging to brush and floss your teeth. Tartar allows more plaque to stick on the surface of the teeth thus giving bacteria a good environment to thrive. This can lead to dental cavities or tooth decay. It can also lead to gum disease.
Simple tips to help you Control Tartar
- Brush Your Teeth Regularly
Brush your teeth at least two times daily for two minutes a time. A quick 30 seconds scrub will not help you when it comes to removing plaque and tartar. When brushing, use a soft-bristled brush small enough to fit your mouth comfortably. Also, remember to brush some of the hard to reach areas on your rear molars and behind your teeth.
- Floss Daily
A majority of patients are not good at remembering to floss their teeth on a daily basis. However, what a majority of people don’t know is that flossing is perhaps more vital than brushing. It helps you remove trapped food particles and bacteria from in between your teeth. If you find it hard to floss, you can ask your dentist about alternatives such as floss aides, interdental brushes and air-flossing devices.
- Avoid Foods that Can Damage your Teeth
Practicing top-notch dental hygiene is not the only way you can prevent tartar from forming on the surface of your teeth. Avoiding some teeth damaging foods can come in handy as well. Anything that can easily stick on your teeth can be difficult to remove and may encourage bacteria growth.
- Bottom Line: Visit Your Dentist Regularly
No matter how hard you clean your teeth at home, visiting your dentist on a regular basis will be an absolute essential of good dental care. Once tartar has formed on your teeth, only a dental professional dentist can help you remove it. So, make it a point to visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic for plaque and tartar removal every six months.
Our dentists in Springvale and Heatherton will provide you with a simple and painless professional dental cleaning procedure. They’ll also give you advice on how to prevent plaque and tartar in the future.