The Risk of Having Dental Implants In Thailand

How far would you be willing to travel for you to see a dentist? A few suburbs? Across the State? Or would you be willing to travel to another country? Well, this may sound excessive to a majority of people, but as dental cost continues to escalate, some people are willing to travel abroad in search of less costly dental treatment. It is reported that up to 75% of people in some countries are willing to pack their bags and travel to seek affordable dentistry in countries like India and Thailand. But is doing this safe, and is it a good investment?
Considering To Seek Medical Implants in Thailand?
While the Australian Dental Association fully acknowledges that dental tourism to Thailand and other countries is on the rise, they want people to be aware of the risk associated with this. It may sound too good to be true receiving dental implants for a third of the price and at the same time getting a dental holiday. Sadly, this always may not be the case. There are so many Australians who are suffering from poor dental services done in India and Thailand who are offering affordable dentistry. Unfortunately, it even ends up to be more costly to them since they have to come back to Australia and have Australian dentist try to salvage these treatments. As dentists in Australia may try and save the situation, the patient may have some significant compromise.
Dental Holidays: What Could Go Wrong?
Travelling overseas to have a dental implant or aesthetic makeover done on you may be associated with some risks. Here are some of them
Lack of Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
One thing that you will miss trying to seek dental services overseas is proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Patients are tied to very tight schedules of flights, hotel bookings and transfers, so both the patient and the dentist are forced to work within a squeezed timeframe. As most people tend to travel for complex dental procedures, dentists try and squeeze a lot of complicated procedures into a small window of time. This puts both the patient and the dentists under pressure to accomplish much within a short period of time. As a result, too many errors that result in some major complications occur. At Springvale Dental Clinic, your treatment plan is spread out over the most appropriate timeframe, prioritising your safety, health and comfort.
This is a common problem in many dental clinics abroad. In a nutshell, this means that the dentist carries out unnecessary dental treatments on you. For example, they may perform an unnecessary root canal on a tooth underlying a bridge. This is to reduce the risk of tooth decaying. There is no need of undertaking this procedure on a healthy tooth, but they perform it anyway so as to avoid any potential future risks that they will not be around to deal with. Patients also try to have so many issues treated at the same time in order to maximise the cheap services been offered. It may be understandable for the patient but definitely not the ideal way to approach complicated dental problems. Choosing Springvale Dental Clinic means that they are no pressure having any additional work done on you. You will have the opportunity to arrange your treatment plan that will suit your schedule and budget best.
Poor Level of Treatment Quality
It is sad that most patients heading to Thailand to have dental treatment do little to no research on the dental practitioners working on them and only rely on recommendations from their travel agents. Your teeth are one of the most crucial parts of your body and giving them the don’t care attitude may cost you a lot in future. Some dental procedures are very invasive and require highly experienced oral surgeon and the use of latest technology something that most clinic in Thailand lack. Some clinics use poor quality metals, and this may bring you some severe allergies that may end up being poisonous.
No Aftercare Services
This is one of the primary problems of having to go abroad for dental treatment- where do you run to when complications arise? It is vital to bear in mind that if complications arise for major surgeries carried out abroad such as serious infection or pain, it could turn costly for you not to mention the inconvenience. Being close to your dentist makes life a lot easier.
Visit Springvale Dental Clinic for Quality and Affordable Dental Implants
At Springvale Dental Clinic we ensure that your health, safety and comfort is our priority. We will work with you to offer you the best price that will fit around your schedule, a price that can be comparable with foreign dental clinics. Most people go to Thailand for cheap dental services forgetting the fact that the amount they are trying to save will be used on costly flights and accommodation. Contact us for dental implants in Springvale and get quality treatment and services.