We all dread visiting the dentist; we, by all means, try to avoid the unpleasant experience! But when your gums start throbbing, and there is no escaping a mouth full of pain, you are left with no choice but to make the trip. While your dentist should put every effort to save the tooth through fillings or root canals, often tooth extraction will be the only solution. If this is the case for you, perhaps you would like to learn more about post-operative care for a tooth extraction and surgical tooth extraction.
Post-operative Care for a Tooth Extraction
Post-operative care is vital following a tooth extraction, and recovery may be delayed if this care is neglected. It is important to follow some few tips below
While you are still in The Medical Office
Sit down and relax for a few minutes. Before you get up and move around, you will want to make sure that a blood clot has formed. This is because at this point you can easily provoke bleeding. How long you will sit and wait depends on how complex your extraction is. It may range from a few minutes to a few hours. If it is a baby tooth that is close to coming out on its own, you may wait for only two minutes. For a simple adult teeth extraction, you may have to sit for about ten minutes. For a more complex one like surgical extraction and stitches were used, it could take half an hour or even longer.
While waiting, you will maintain a constant bite pressure on the gauze placed by your dentist. The pressure helps in stopping the bleeding. Change the gauze when you feel the pressure has lessened. At Springvale Dental Clinic, we ensure that you are comfortable and have a conducive environment as you sit and relax.
What to Do After Leaving the Dentist’s Office
After leaving your dentist’s office, you should try and avoid any strenuous activity for two hours. Strenuous activity will keep your heart beat up and may cause prolonged bleeding. Do not spit or suck, as this may inhibit the formation of a blood clot.
Having some persistent bleeding is normal. However, there should not be much bleeding if you are applying the right adequate pressure. If you notice thick bleeding with dark blood clots, change the gauze, and if you don’t have extra gauze use a paper towel. However, at Springvale Dental Clinic, we make sure you have enough extra gauze. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, change the gauze again, if this persists, call your dentist or visit the hospital emergency room.
Some simple painkillers like Tylenol or ibuprofen, or any other over-the-counter pain remedy will be effective for the pain.
If you are in Springvale and need a tooth extraction, visit Springvale Dental Clinic today for a painless experience. Our dentists are highly qualified and will do anything to make your experience a comfortable one. You don’t have to fear visiting a dentist anymore.