Oral Health in Australia

Although Australian’s oral health has improved over the past three decades, largely through the introduction of fluoridation in the 1960s, poor oral health is still an issue for many Australians. Across the population, three out of 10 adults have untreated tooth decay. The rate is more than twice this among adults on low incomes and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Poor oral health leads to poorer overall health outcomes. It means visiting the GP or emergency department time and again for pain management, hospitalisations that could have been prevented, and complications for other illnesses. For older people, it can mean poor nutrition leading to further health problems. And it means greater costs to the health system.
Good oral health involves ongoing maintenance for life – but dental care in Australia can be very expensive. Cost is one of the main reasons why almost half of adult Australians only see the dentist when they feel they have to obtain treatment for a problem, rather than for preventative care. While adults have on average 13 decayed, filled or missing teeth, people on lower incomes have on average 20 affected teeth.
Public dental services face great pressure in providing services to children and low income adults.