Oral Anatomy – An Internal Tour of Your Mouth

The human mouth is a complex place. It is comprised of many different components that perfectly work together to perform its function. Gallons of saliva, countless bacteria, the tongue, teeth,and other things are what comprise the oral anatomy. If you take care of these components, they will definitely take care of you by giving you a bright smile and an awesome breath. This article will take a tour of your mouth,including some of its components.
The Teeth
The teeth comprise one of the most importantaspects of the oral anatomy. A fully grown adult should have a perfect set of 32 teeth divided into three different categories- the incisors, canines,and molars. Each category of teeth has it’s own specific role and works perfectly with each other. However, if one tooth is affected, the entire system will be affected. Some of the factors that might affect a tooth include tooth decay, abscess,or tooth trauma. Therefore, it’s crucial to take care of your teeth through regular dental hygiene measures and a visit to the dentist.
The tongue
The chances are that you’re not aware that yourtonguecomprises one of the strongest muscles in the body. If you didn’t know, now you know. It is impossible to carry out speech without a properly functioning tongue. Also, some activities that we might take for granted,such as eating and swallowing, cannot occur without the tongue. The tongue also has one of the most importantroles in the oral system as it wipes off bacteria. Therefore, it is essential to properly clean the tongue while brushing your teeth as it contains millions of bacteria.
The role of saliva cannot be underestimated when it comes to oral anatomy. Saliva is responsible for breaking down food, washing away harmful bacteria, keeps the mouth moist to enable you to talk as well as makes swallowing easy. It is estimated that a normal human being produces an average of 1.5 litters of saliva on a daily basis. Lack of enough saliva in the mouth can be associated with a number of oral complications. It can bring about bad breath, a condition known as halitosis. Lack of enough saliva in the mouth can also create a conducive breeding ground of harmful oral bacteria leading to tooth decay. Therefore, if you have been experiencing a shortage of saliva, you must visit your dentist for appropriate medication.
The Palate
The palate is the soft cartilage structure located at the roof of the mouth. It comprises a vital part of the oral anatomy since it helps you chew and swallow food along with other important functions. While taking care of your mouth, the palate should also be part of your oral hygiene.
Bottom Line
There you have it; a small tour of the oral anatomy. To make sure that it functions at its best, you need to take care of it. Brush at least twice a day as well as floss at least once and visit your dentist on a regular basis. Schedule your next dental appointment with us at Springvale Dental Clinic. Our trained and qualified team will help you brighten your smile and allow your mouth to function at its best.
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