Is It Safe To Visit the Dentist During Covid-19?

Like so many industries across Australia, the dental industry has been majorly affected by the coronavirus. According to the Australian Dental Association, nearly 95% of all dental offices opted to shut down except for emergency procedures. Mainly, this is due to the nature of how the virus is spread and how likely it is for the virus to spread in a dental office. However, now, as social distancing guidelines are starting to relax, dental offices are allowed to reopen for elective procedures. But, is it safe to visit the dentist during the Covid-19 pandemic? Here is everything you need to know about visiting the dentist during this pandemic.
What Dental Offices are doing to protect their Patients from Covid-19
Even before the coronavirus, dental offices were required to maintain proper hygiene practices. All dental offices already follow recommended standards for sanitising and cleaning everything with approved disinfectants that are specially designed for use in a dental setting. In addition, it has been a tradition for all dental staff to wear protective gear such as surgical masks, spectacles for eye protection, and gloves to reduce the transmission of bacteria and viruses from one patient to another.
Now, due to the emergence of Covid-19 additional safety measures have been put in place and recommended by the Australian Dental Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some of them:
- Space Out Appointments
CDC recommends that dentists keep their offices below capacity so as to encourage social distancing between patients. Also, they are encouraged to attend to one patient at a time whenever possible. Depending on the size and layout of the office, some patients may be attended to in separate rooms by other dental staff.
- Screening
Dentists are also required to take extra precautions such as daily temperature checks, illness screening, and change from normal clothes to scrub before they get into the office. Additionally, the dental staff is required to wear more robust protective gear for higher-risk procedures that produce more aerosols. However, if the aerosols cannot be avoided, then the dentists can choose to use other equipment that can be effectively removed as soon as possible.
- Increased Sanitation
Usually, dentists have their tools sanitised and ready before getting in for your appointment. Moreover, they may even try to single-use equipment as much as possible. New guidelines have also been established to make sure that dental seats are thoroughly sanitised between each patient.
- Eliminate Shared Spaces
There is a high chance that magazines, toys, or snacks will be temporarily removed from the waiting rooms and lounges. In other cases, there can be no waiting rooms, so if you get early for your appointment, you will be needed to wait in an outdoor space or in your car until the dentist is ready for you.
Bottom Line
In due course, your dentist will provide you with clear instructions for when it is appropriate for you to resume your regular oral care. At the Springvale Dental Clinic, we have a checklist of safety procedures for our patients to ensure that they remain safe from Covid-19 during their visits. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can take care of your dental needs during this pandemic.
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