How to Make Bone Grafts Heal Faster?

From injuries to oral procedures, a majority of people turn to dental bone grafts. The procedure needs to be done carefully by a dental professional, and the healing needs to happen quickly so that patients are back in action as quick as possible. Learn where you should get started and how to make a bone graft heal faster.
1. Protect the graft from infection
Infection is one of the main reasons for graft failure. Make sure to keep the area around the graft clean and dry and avoid contact with other people who are infected. If you do develop an infection, speak with your dentist about possible treatment options.
2. Take care of your overall oral health
Poor oral hygiene can lead to bacterial growth in the area around the graft, which can further complicate healing. Make sure to brush as well as floss regularly, use mouthwash aggressively, and see your dentist for proper repair work if needed.
3. Reduce Swelling by Using Ice Packs
Swelling is a common side effect of surgery, and it can interfere with healing by restricting blood flow to the implant site. Try to reduce any swelling as quickly as possible by applying ice packs.
Applying icepacks for an extended period of time will help reduce swelling and inflammation, both of which can impede the healing process. It may also help reduce the amount of pain you experience. Remember that ice packs should only be applied for a short period of time; after 15 minutes, move on to another method of pain relief.
4. Don’t Smoke
In order to speed up the healing process, quitting smoking can have a significant impact.
Smoking has been shown to cause a number of health problems, including an increased risk for gum disease and tooth loss. Quitting smoking can also help improve dental bone graft healing by reducing inflammation and pain in the mouth.
5. Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods
One of the quickest ways to speed up the healing process of dental bone graft surgery is by eating a diet high in soft and nutritious foods. This can help promote cellular growth and regeneration, which will help to hasten the healing of the surgical site. Foods that are beneficial for dental bone graft healing include fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources such as fish, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
6. Rinse with Saltwater
To speed up the healing process of a dental bone graft, you should rinse your mouth with salt water. This step can help fight infection and promote better blood flow to the graft. You should continue to rinse your mouth with salt water for the first few days after surgery.
Bottom Line
A dental bone graft can be a difficult procedure to heal, but following these tips should help speed up the process. Be patient and consistent with your treatments, and don’t be afraid to seek outside assistance if necessary. Visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic for a bone-grafting treatment and restore your beautiful smile.