How Quickly Does Tooth Decay Form?

Examining teeth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems in Australia, with more than five times the prevalence of asthma among young children. 11 million people newly develop tooth decay every year. According to reports recently released by the government, tooth decay is also the second most expensive diet related disease in Australia. Research done by the Australian Dental Association reveals that an alarming 57% of people living in Australia expect to develop tooth decay at some point in their lives, a condition that can be painful, unsightly and sometimes irreversible. The most common question that a majority of people ask themselves is how quickly does tooth decay form? Well, just like many questions the answer is: it depends. For you to know how long it can take for your teeth to decay, you first need to understand some few things.

How Do My Teeth Decay?

Most of the food we eat on a daily basis cause decay over a period of time. Acids and sugars that you may be consuming on a regular basis can have a major negative effect on your oral health. These items will slowly break your teeth’s enamel, leaving your teeth less protected from the action of bacteria, and eventually causing decay. A majority of people think that only sweets cause tooth decay, however, there are many other foods that can contribute to the process. Such foods include acidic foods, breakfast cereals, cookies, bananas, carb-heavy foods, and candy.

The main reason why people suffer from this condition is because most foods that can actually accelerate the process are not considered to be unhealthy. For example, some fruits can be very acidic, but then they provide vital nutrients to your body. It is not always the obvious foods that people think of that cause tooth decay.

How Does Tooth Decay Form

Our mouths carry thousands of bacteria. When these bacteria start destroying some areas of your mouth, a cavity will appear. The cavity will appear due to bacteria action on the plaque that later releases acid. Typically, a cavity starts on your tooth enamel as a tiny area. If it is left untreated, it will eventually eat through the enamel and the entire tooth structure.

The length of time that takes for tooth decay to form largely depends on the kind of diet you take and of course your oral hygiene. However, typically the process is fairly slow and may take quite some time. It can take up to two years, but with the absolute absence of oral hygiene, it can occur as early as within three weeks. By catching a tooth decay early, your dentist can be able to address the problem and prevent further decay.

Dentist in Springvale Will Help You Prevent Tooth Decay

Even though the whole process of tooth decay is a bit slow, you cannot simply prevent it with the simple oral hygiene you practice at home. Professional exams and cleaning are the only sure way to ensure that your teeth remain healthy and away from tooth decay over time. If you need to schedule dental cleaning and exam or you have any question about tooth decay, give us a call.
Our dentist in Springvale has the much-required experience to ensure that you remain comfortable no matter what dental treatments you need.