Fresh Breath Hacks For Your Next Romantic Date

While going out for a romantic date, there are a few things you would want to avoid by all costs. Spilling curry on your cloth, walking out of the restroom with a tissue paper stuck on your shoe, and having a bad breath. Fortunately, all these can be avoided, especially the last one. There are a few tips you can follow to make sure your breath smells great during that romantic date. Here are some of them.
1. Drink Water
Whether you are meeting up your date for a cup of coffee, or you are meeting for a couple of beers, drinking water will help your breath remain fresh. Water helps in various ways to make sure that happens. First, it helps you prevent dry mouth, which presents a perfect environment for bacteria action. Also, water washes away bacteria present in the mouth and helps you stay hydrated.
2. Keep Your Tongue Clean
Your tongue is one of the places with the highest concentration of bacteria that keep your breath smelling awful. When you brush your tongue while you brush your teeth, you help eliminate bacteria, leaving your breath smelling great for your big day. You can use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your tongue or purchase one of those toothbrushes that comes with a tongue cleaning pad.
3. Chew Some Gum
It is no brainer that chewing gum helps in keeping fresh breath. However, it might be an uphill task to choose the right type of gum. First, you need to choose sugarless gum. Sugar can actually heighten the level of your bad breath, not to mention it can easily cause tooth decay. Look for gums that are sweetened using a natural sweetener such as xylitol. Chewing gum will also wash away harmful bacteria due to the constant production of saliva.
4. Stop Smoking
Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for your oral health. It does not only cause bad breath but contributes to severe discoloration of your teeth. Additionally, smoking can dry out your mouth, thus providing a perfect environment for bacteria. Therefore, if you are looking forward to impressing your date and speak freely to them, stop smoking.
5. Brush and Floss Your Teeth on a Regular Basis
You need to properly brush and floss your teeth regularly to maintain good breath. Brush at least twice a day for about two minutes every time you brush. Also, don’t brush your teeth too hard, be gently not to harm your enamel. Moreover, make sure you floss at least once a day. One trick you can use to ensure that your breath is great is smelling your floss. If your floss smell badly or have some blood on it, try a different technique until it becomes clear.
Bottom line
Fresh breath is very vital, especially if you are going for a romantic date. Thankfully, it is easy to achieve it once you know the right way to do it. On top of the tips listed above, teeth cleaning by your dentist at least two times a year is extremely important. It helps keep any action by bacteria and tooth decay away. Visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic for teeth cleaning and whitening.