Dos and Don’ts after Dental Filling

According to the Australia Dental Association (ADA), millions of dental filling procedures are performed across Australia each year. From these statistics, you can deduce the fact that dental fillings are a common dental procedure at any dentist’s office. Here at Springvale Dental Clinic, our dentist performs dental filling procedures on a daily basis. Other statistics show that, on average, a person has at least three dental fillings in their lifetime. For this reason, let us explore some of the dos and don’ts after a dental filling procedure.
- Talk to your dentist
It is of utmost importance that you talk to your dentist after having a dental filling procedure. In case you have any questions about caring for the fillings and what you can and can’t do after having dental fillings. At Springvale Dental Clinic, we care about our patients and try our level best to foster a friendly environment where you can freely ask questions. Our able and friendly team is happy to address any concerns that you may have.
- Take prescription pain medication
After a dental filling procedure, you may experience some tooth sensitivity, which may make you uncomfortable. That is why it is important to religiously take the prescription pain medication that your dentist will recommend. These will help relieve pain and sensitivity after your dental filling procedure.
- Chew with the other side of your mouth
While your dental filling site sets or heals, use the opposite side of the filling site to chew food so as to avoid damage to the site.
- Check your bite
It is possible that during a dental filling procedure, the dentist might add too much material to the filling site that may interfere with your natural bite. Be sure to check your bite after the dental filling procedure to ensure that there are no high points on the filled tooth. If you notice any abnormalities in your bite, be sure to inform your dentist about it.
- Take any food or beverages until the anaesthetic wears off
While the anaesthetic is still in effect, you are advised not to take any hot beverages or food as you may unknowingly damage the filling site. Wait until the anaesthesia wears off before you can take food or beverages. This ensures that you are not putting any unwanted pressure on the filling site that may cause damage.
- Take hard or chewy foods
Some fillings take time to set, so it is important to wait some days before taking any chewy, hard, and sticky foods. Such foods may damage the filling and cause other dental problems in the process.
- Grind on your teeth
Teeth grinding can be detrimental to the durability of your fillings. You should try as much as possible to desist from grinding your teeth after having dental fillings. However, if your teeth grinding is involuntary, you may want to seek alternative treatments such as mouth guards to wear while sleeping.
Bottom Line: Dental fillings at Springvale Dental Clinic
If you suspect you have a cavity, visit Springvale Dental Clinic today to have it checked. Our dentist will then examine it and recommend the best tooth fillings or root canal treatment. If you are nervous about a tooth-filling procedure at Springvale, you don’t have to worry. We use nitrous oxide sedation to help calm your nerves during the entire procedure to help you calm your dental anxiety. Visit us today to get your tooth fillings.
Check out our Article : Fillings and Restorations