Dental Implants FAQs

Dental implants are the most preferred method of tooth replacement by doctors and patients because they are long-lasting. If you’re thinking of getting dental implants, you probably have a few questions you’d like to ask to make a better decision.
In the hopes of answering your questions, we’ve put together a list of the most commonly asked questions about dental implants.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are metal fixtures anchored to your bone below the gums onto which artificial teeth, bridges, or dentures are mounted. It may be a suitable option for people with missing teeth due to decay, injury, periodontal disease, or root resorption. The surgery is done through Osseo-integration (where the bone fuses to the metal) after the area has healed.
Can all the teeth be replaced with dental implants?
Yes. The procedure can be done on a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all your teeth. Fortunately, you don’t have to fasten a metal implant for each missing tooth. A dentist can make a removable denture with as few as 2 implants, while as few as four implants can support a complete set of teeth that are permanent.
How painful is a dental implant procedure?
The dental implant procedure is not painful because it’s performed with anaesthesia that completely numbs the mouth. After the area is completely numb, the dentist makes an incision and drills a hole to expose the jawbone where the implant will be fastened. This may sound painful, but you won’t feel any of these. Implants can also be done with the assistance of lasers which add extra comfort. Once the numbness wears off after the minor surgery, there can be mild pain, but this is not common. If any, this can be managed with over the counter painkillers, e.g., ibuprofen
Are dental implants expensive?
Implants cost more than other tooth replacement methods like dentures and bridgework, but they last for many more years. It’s likely that they’ll never need to be replaced, unlike a bridge that should be replaced at some point. The initial cost of Dental Implants might be high, but they will serve you more than you paid for them. In that sense, they are a long-term investment for your comfort, wellbeing, and general health.
How do I care for Dental Implants?
It’s just as you take care of your natural teeth with regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. Although dental implants do not decay, the tissue around them can become inflamed and infected without proper hygiene. With proper installation, care, and special products for better oral health, it should last a lifetime.
Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?
You are likely a candidate for dental implants, but only a dentist can confirm. A technician should scan your oral health with x-rays and possibly a CT scan to determine whether you qualify for dental implants. Dental implants aren’t right for everyone – although some patients require additional procedures to improve the jaw bone quality through bone grafting.
Bottom Line
Have more questions about dental implants. Don’t hesitate to ask our dentist at Springvale Dental Clinic. Schedule an appointment with use today!