Crown Lengthening: Fix Your Gummy Smile with a Simple Procedure

Crown lengthening is a dental surgical procedure that entails adjusting or cutting away some of the gum tissue so that more of the bone structure of the tooth is exposed.
Why crown lengthening is done?
Crown lengthening is a common dental procedure that is conducted for one or two reasons. It can be done to rectify a gummy smile where more of the gum is exposed as opposed to the teeth. Crown lengthening can also be done if a tooth needs to be fixed, and there is not enough tooth structure to support a crown or filling. However, the most common reason for crown lengthening these days is mainly for aesthetic purposes. People want beautiful smiles and teeth that appear short are not aesthetically pleasing. That is why crown lengthening is so necessary and most especially because the procedure is very simple and effective.
How crown lengthening is done?
The procedure for crown lengthening is quite simple and precise, depending on an individual’s tooth structure and the reason for crown lengthening. Before having the procedure done, you have to pay a visit to your dentist, who will examine your teeth by conducting x-rays and other preparation procedures. Our dental specialists at the Springvale Dental Clinic will conduct a thorough examination before you can get your crown lengthening surgery and advise you on the best procedure to rectify your gummy smile.
After proper preparation, which can sometimes go for as long as 3 months, you can then get your crown lengthening procedure done. This usually involves the application of local anaesthesia to numb the tooth area during the procedure. Thereafter, the gum tissue is restructured by cutting away some of the tissue to expose more of the tooth crown. Sometimes, if the exposed tooth structure is too small or has no enough enamel, the bone can also be restructured by adding fillings or composite masks. This usually takes much longer compared to when only the gum tissue is removed. The duration of the procedure also depends on how many teeth are affected. Additionally, more often than not, if one tooth is restructured, the neighbouring teeth will also be affected in one way or another.
If the bone structure around the roots is too closely together or too compact, the periodontist may also remove some of the bone structure to create space between the teeth. This allows for the newly exposed teeth to have a normal appearance and blend with the rest of the teeth. The healing process usually varies from one person to another, depending on how many teeth were affected and how much restoration was done.
Bottom Line: Where to get Crown Lengthening done
Do you have a gummy smile that bothers you when you smile? Don’t let it get in the way of your happiness. Visit our dental specialists at the Springvale Dental clinic for consultations on how to have this simple procedure done and have a beautiful smile in no time. At Springvale Dental clinic, you will get the most professional diagnosis, and our specialist periodontists are well equipped will state of the art tools to conduct a satisfactory crown lengthening procedure.