Common Dental Misconceptions

Are you dreading your next dentist appointment? Does the simplethought of visiting the dentist give you creeps? Well, you are not alone. We all at some point experienced a certain amount of anxiety at the thought of visiting the dentist. Most of our fears about visiting the dentist are due to spooky stories we have heard from the time we were young. Nothing bugs more than when people try to come up with stories to try and scare others. Perhaps digging out the truth behind such dental misconceptions will help us cope with the ridiculous dental fears better. Here are some common dental misconceptions.
1. Brushing Your Teeth is enough
While brushing your teeth is important in controlling the development of plaque and other dental bacteria growth, it is certainly not enough to maintain proper dental hygiene. Brushing, when done the right way, it only clears 70% of the mouth. Brushing can only clean the surface of the teeth but cannot properly clean the inner part as flossing does. Flossing is an integral part of oral hygiene regime.
2. The More sugary Foods You Eat, The Higher Your Risk of Getting Cavities
There is no any direct correlation between the amount of sugary foods an individual takes and the probability of developing a cavity. While it is true that sugar erodes the tooth enamel after it converts to acid, the quantity of sugar an individual eats is irrelevant. Where tooth decay is connected, eating one cookie is just the same as eating two cookies or even three.
3. Sugars are The Prime Cause behind Tooth Decay
Sugar is not the only factor that is responsible for tooth decay; there are several other culprits behind your decaying or rotting tooth. Apart from sugary foods, other foods responsible for tooth decay include curbs such as rice, potatoes, and bread. Instead of taking these foods without control, it is important that you eat in balanced proportion.
4. Cavities are The Primary Cause for Tooth Lose
In most cases, cavities are always blamedfor being the main reason for tooth loss, but this is not true. A periodontal disease which is also known as gum disease isactually the leading cause of tooth loss. The main reason behind this is because periodontal disease makes the teeth to lack support thus making itto loosen and eventually fall out. Tooth loss can be such a devastating experience. Visit your dentist as soon as possible if you happen to lose your teeth due to any.
5. You Can’t See a Dentist While Pregnant
This is a pure misconception among a majority of people. However, it is important for pregnant women to continue with proper dental care while pregnant and visit their dentist regularly for check-ups. Failure to maintain proper dental hygiene can lead to pregnancy complications. Just make sure that you mention about your pregnancy to your dentists during the visits. He or she will take all the necessary measures to protect your unborn child while at the same time provide proper oral hygiene to you.
Bottom Line
Outlined above are just but a few misconceptions that people have about dental hygiene. It is amazing how people easily accept them as plain truth without contesting. It is always good to dig out the truth to help you control some of your dental fears. If you have any question about your oral hygiene, make sure that you ask your dentist to clarify during your next visit. Don’t let dental misconception deter you from keeping your teeth healthy.