Can Poor Dental Hygiene Cause Oral Cancer

While there should be no compromise with oral health, a majority of people take it for granted. Some people brush their teeth only once a day, while others don’t do it at all leave alone visiting the dentist periodically for a dental check-up. Poor oral health is often associated with conditions such as periodontal disease, cavities, and bad breath.
However, most people don’t know that poor oral health can also lead to more severe dental conditions such as oral cancer. Read on to learn how poor oral health is linked to oral cancer.
Understanding Oral Cancer
First things first, it is important to understand what oral cancer is and how it occurs. Cancer is a condition that occurs due to the uncontrolled growth of body cells. The uncontrolled growth invades and damages the surrounding body tissues. Oral cancer may occur in different parts of the mouth, including cheeks, lips, tongue, sinuses, throat, and the floor of the mouth.
The condition may appear as a consistent lump or sore that does not go away. If oral cancer is not properly diagnosed and in good time, it can be life-threatening, and that is why it is always important to visit your dentist for check-ups periodically.
Poor Dental Hygiene and Oral Cancer
Oral health plays an integral role in the human body. The oral area is primarily the site for entry of the respiratory system, human communication as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Failure to practice good oral hygiene can compromise its integrity and may eventually lead to oral cancer. Oral cancer accounts for 7% of all cases of cancers across the world. According to statistics, there are 270,000 new cases every other month. It is the fifth most common cancer that occurs among men and seventh among women.
Studies have it that there is a strong relationship between oral health and oral cancer. The risk is even higher for people who smoke tobacco and alcoholic drinks. Studies reveal that proper dental hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of developing oral cancer.
How Oral Cancer Affects Your Mouth
Irrespective of if oral cancer is due to poor oral health or any other reason, one thing for sure is that it will greatly deteriorate your oral health to a great extent. Here are some ways it can affect your mouth.
• Growth of small sores or lumps especially in the early stages
• It can lead to tooth loss or the development of loose teeth.
• It can damage the gum tissue preventing it from strongly holding the teeth in position.
• It can damage the bone tissue within the jawbone.
• It can disrupt the chewing and swallowing process due to pain in the oral tissues or throat.
• It can also lead to malnourishment due to the poor ability to chew and swallow.
Bottom Line
The risk of developing oral cancer can be greatly reduced by practicing good oral hygiene. Also, it is highly advisable to visit your dentist after every six months for a dental check-up. The earlier it is detected, the lesser its harmful impacts and side effects. Visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic for a dental check-up. Our Springvale dentist will take a look at your mouth and can detect any oral problems including oral cancer. We are a reliable dental clinic that will handle all your dental needs.