5 Benefits from Dental Crown After Root Canal Treatment

For a majority of patients, the term root canal is one of the feared terms used in dentistry. However, root canal treatment is an important procedure for people with an infection at the center of their teeth. It is the only way the dentist can access the diseased roots and clean out the infected debris. After the dentist has completely removed the infection, the tooth will be permanently sealed to prevent bacteria from re-entering the pulp.
After sealing the tooth, the dentist may recommend that you use a dental crown on the affected tooth. This will help strengthen the tooth, among other benefits. In this article, we will take a look at some of the benefits of using a dental crown after a root canal procedure.
The Benefits of Dental Crowns After a Root Canal Treatment
1. Strengthen the Tooth
Almost all root canal treatments result in weakened tooth enamel. This is because the passage through the root (canal) and the subsequent exposure to chemicals and minerals in the saliva and from the food and beverages we take causes enamel erosion. It is also because the procedure is extensive and invasive, and there is a large number of healthy teeth that will be removed. While performing the procedure, the dentist will need to create a relatively large hole to remove all the infected debris. Therefore, this hole will compromise the integrity of the tooth, leaving it susceptible to fracture or any other damage.
A dental crown will sit on top of the affected tooth and thus hold it together to enhance its strength.
2. Prevent Any Further Decay
One of the biggest benefits of using a dental crown after a root canal treatment is that it prevents the tooth from having further decay. A dental crown is made of an artificial material that cannot be easily affected by bacteria causing tooth decay. Therefore, the healthy part of the tooth will be sealed and protected from the action of bacteria.
3. It helps match the color of the tooth
Porcelain crowns can be created in a huge variety of different shades. This makes it easier to match them with the existing color of your teeth. It ensures that they blend well with the other teeth giving you a natural smile, and no one will know about your dental work. A patient who chooses to have porcelain veneers always report having an increased level of confidence due to their appearance.
4. Stain Resistant
Dental crowns made of porcelain material are stain-resistant. This will help them to be resistant to the natural tooth discoloration that occurs due to different factors. You can relax knowing that your dental work will remain as healthy as the day you first fitted it.
5. Dental Crowns Are Highly Durable
Dental crowns come as a great investment because not only will they protect your teeth, but there are proven to be one of the longest-lasting dental restorations. You can expect them to last an average of 15 years with good maintenance.
Bottom Line
There are thousands of benefits to dental crowns after root canal treatment. Crowns provide a permanent solution to tooth decay and protect the tooth from future injury. Additionally, they can improve appearance and comfort with regular wear. In some cases, dental crowns can even restore function to a damaged tooth.
If your tooth is infected and you suspect that it might require a root canal treatment, visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic for a dental examination. Our dentist will examine your tooth and advice you on the best treatment. If it requires a root canal, we have state-of-the-art equipment to carry out a successful procedure successfully.